Monday, January 28, 2008

Yarn on the way....

I ordered 8 balls of CotLin (click to view) from my favorite on-line yarn source, Knit Picks. This is said to be wonderful for baby knits. My goal is to provide 2 balls in contrasting colors to each woman plus a set of needles. I plan to use two of the 8 to do a test run. If you have interest in this project and would like to provide any supplies, please contact me by leaving a comment with your email address and I will get back to you right away. Thank you!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

My brain is storming!!!!

It came to me this morning....the first pattern project will be a matching bib and burp cloth set! I got some yarn Thursday to do some pattern testing on, I want to try several different yarns untl I find the perfect one which will be soft and easy to care for.
Stay tuned for a pic of the first set!!!!!

I am getting ready to meet with the folks at O/W next week one day to discuss details. This is so exciting! Thank you so much for your prayers!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's a Go!

The Director at O/W ran the idea by the staff and they are all for it! So it's a go! I am so excited, and I know that your prayers have been heard! So, thank you! I will continue to keep you updated.....

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I have been sharing this vision with a few people here and there....and everyone who hears or reads about this ministry is so supportive! Thank you to all of you who have committed to prayer. It means so much, and God hears every one of our prayers.

I can just feel the way God is working BIG things in my life. Thank you, God, for choosing me. I love you.

My friend who is on the board of directors at Options has run the idea past the director, and she liked the idea and will be presenting it to the staff tomorrow and we will see where it leads us! Exciting!!!!!

I don't have a name for this ministry yet... Feel free to leave me a comment with your suggestion! I will take everything into consideration!

Monday, January 21, 2008

The process begins....

Today I did a little research on what to do to start a ministry. I found a couple of websites that gave a step by step process to follow. I'll keep you posted....

Till then, please remember to pray for me and the development and outreach of this ministry...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Beginning of something new!!!!!

I read the following quote from scripture the other day, and it stayed with me.

"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 4: 10, 11

The words resonated through my mind, seeping into my heart, overtaking my thoughts.

I have been given a gift. It is the gift of knitting. I have been talking with God. I have been asking Him to use me. Use me in any way possible to spread His beautiful, undying love with others. He told me there is a very special way that I can use my gift of knitting to share His love.

There is a place in my town that is called Options For Women. It is a place where a young woman can go when she finds out she is pregnant and is scared and alone. She can go to the center and receive a pregnancy test, an ultrasound, assistance in finding assistance. She can earn points towards baby clothing, furniture and accessories. She can also earn points towards diapers for her baby. This ministry has saved the lives of so many unborn babies.

So, where does my gift of knitting come in???? I'll tell you.

I have a vision (not from me, mind you, it's a vision that God has placed on my heart) to teach these young women how to knit. They can make something for their baby. It can be a way that she can bond with her unborn child. It will also give her a sense of self worth and it will be a skill that she can take with her beyond her young years.

I have a lot of research to do... and my goal is to have this ministry up and running by September, when my kiddos are in school and I will have the mornings to dedicate to this.

Please pray for this goal to come to life. (no pun intended, hehe!) I feel so drawn to this cause. Pray for me to continue to brainstorm for it, to rustle up the supplies needed (needles and yarn) and for the young women to be interested in this. Pray for me to come across the right people at the right time, to have the correct information in getting such a ministry going.

Thank you.......